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Our Programs

Community Arts Institute
We bring our dynamic Teaching Artists and their diverse art forms into our community, partnering with schools, organizations and juvenile centers to create customized residencies that inspire creativity and self-expression. CAI combats the isolation, lack of resources, and transportation barriers that some children face by bringing the arts directly to them.
Summer Camp
At the Institute, campers learn at least eight different art forms over five weeks, for the same cost of some one week programs. In addition to providing opportunities for personal development, artistic expression and a community of support, the program culminates with the professional experience of a performance at Kean University’s Wilkins Theatre.
Afterschool Program
With the current mental health crisis soaring, young people need safe spaces where they can be themselves. The Institute is surrogate neighborhood, a community of care where students can create, explore their identities and sense of self, interact with peer mentors and experience the arts. They can select from more than 40 art forms taught by our distinguished faculty throughout the school year.
Youth Leaders
Young people in our community often struggle to find pathways to meaningful employment and social integration. The Youth Leaders program at the Institute of Music for Children is changing this narrative. By employing young leaders and offering them practical training and mentorship, we are creating a future where these youth can thrive.
WE ARE COMMITTED TO PROVIDING EQUAL ACCESS TO THE ARTS FOR ALL CHILDRENSchool arts programs have weathered a great storm for years. Today, only 1 out of 5 urban kids has access to high quality arts programs, and afterschool lessons can cost as much as $1,000 per semester. That means that low-to-moderate income families are left out in the cold, and their kids don’t get the leg up towards college and career that a creative education offers.The Institute is now serving more than 600 of these families from a five-county area each year, at an annual cost of over $650,000.Your contribution can:
- Help us purchase and maintain quality instruments for our students to learn on
- Contribute to our supplies and equipment inventory including music stands, art supplies, dance equipment, microphones and more.
- Provide a Harmony Scholarship for a child to attend a group class or to attend summer camp
- Donate to our Endowment Fund and make a long-term investment in the Institutes future.
Here’s how it works: our families start the process, supporting their kids with more than 25% of program costs. Our Board of Trustees and staff meet them with a comprehensive fundraising effort that adds 60% from a broad coalition of government, foundation and business partners.Your gift to the Institute helps us meet our goal, creating amazing arts experiences that develop personal and community potential.SPONSORSHIPThere are many opportunities for the business community to support the powerful impact of arts education and our work at the Institute of Music for Children. Learn how to sponsor our events and activities here.
That’s a partnership. That’s neighbors looking out for each other. That’s the Institute at work. Make a gift to the Institute today!The Institute has transformed my life and the life of my family.Natalie, an Institute Parent The Institute is truly a model community arts education organization.Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation“[The Institute] has helped me grow in a way never thought was in me. I was told to never give up. Institute Student Katelyn